Hello my Friends!

It’s been a very long time since I’ve posted a blog. And by the end of this one, you will know a bit of the reason. But first I just want to say that this special message is an early Christmas gift for my sweet friend, Mama Jean!

Jean K. ~ you have been such an inspiration and encouragement to me. I am ever so grateful that you have enjoyed my blog and newsletters, and that you have reminded me never, never, never to give up!

Joy Christmas

Can you believe it’s almost Christmas?  “Tis the Season” so they say…

But – the season for what?

~ Tis the season to be JOLLY

~ Tis the season for JOY to the World

~ Tis the season for LOVE, for FAMILY, for FRIENDS, for LAUGHTER, for GIFTS

But what do you do when this “Season of Joy” lands right smack dab in the middle of an extremely difficult season in your life?

Yes, it’s true. Our lives have seasons, just like the seasons of the year. And some of those seasons – like spring and summer – are warm, and joyful… filled with wonder and awe. But some seasons are long and dark – like winter in Chicago… seasons of depression, or illness, or fear, or loss.

Since my husband and I survived a horrific head-on collision back in November of 2014, I have been going through one of those lingering “dark seasons.” There are lots of reasons for it, but I won’t bore you with all those details.

Oh… don’t get me wrong! There have been many wonderful, joyful events and “mini-seasons” in these past 3 years – like my sweet daughter Sarah’s wedding to our wonderful son-in-law, Ted! And my recent mission trip to Trinidad where God allowed me the honor of teaching from my book, Joy in the Battle.

However, it’s important for you to know that even the “JOY LADY” has seasons of depression and yes, fear. And I’ve been in one of those seasons for some time now. That’s why you have not seen a Joy on Purpose blog post for over 6 months. I’m so sorry!

Some, like my sweet friend Jean, have told me that they miss these “encouraging” messages. But how does one encourage others, when she needs encouragement herself?

I was reminded of the answer to that very question sitting over coffee with another God-given sweet friend last week. My friend Tricia pulled a little book from her purse and said, “Mary, you have to hear this.”

She had no idea just how much I NEEDED to hear it. And when I did, I knew I had to share it with all of you! Then yesterday, as I spent a lovely “girls day out” with friends, “Mama Jean” reminded me again that she misses my writing. That’s when I realized… this was the day I needed to share it and get back to writing and depending on God to do what He calls me to do.

I hope this encourages you as much as it did me.

Excerpt from Jesus Lives by Sarah Young

I have called you out of darkness into My Jesus with child smilingmarvelous light. I brought you not only out of darkness but also into My royal family. I clothed you with My own robe of righteousness–making you fit for My kingdom. Jesus with young girl smilingYou are one of My own special people: You belong to Me, and I delight in you.

I have chosen to use imperfect ones like you to proclaim My praises. I know you cannot do this as well as you would like. The truth is, without My help you can’t do it at all. This gap between My call on your life and your ability to respond is part of My plan. It heightens your awareness of your utter insufficiency. Because you are Mine, I allow you to connect your deep inadequacy to My boundless sufficiency.

Instead of focusing on your imperfection, make every effort to stay connected with Me. The more you depend on My resources, the more you can celebrate My Majesty. In whatever you do, consciously rely on My help–living in the joyous wonder of self-forgetfulness. As you look to Me continually for all you need, your face will reflect the Light of My surpassing Glory.

(See references: 1 Peter 2:9Isaiah 61:10 – John 15:52 Corinthians 3:18)

Merry Christmas Mama Jean…  and Merry Christmas to you all!

I pray that this Christmas, you will draw close to Jesus, who has “…called you out of darkness into His wonderful light!” Because it’s only in HIS LIGHT that we can truly enjoy this Season of JOY!

We’d all love to hear your comments and stories of how God is pulling you out of darkness during this “Season of Light!” Click on the “comments” link above and share your thoughts.

God’s blessings to you!