As I drove through my neighborhood last week, I saw signs at every corner reminding me of the upcoming Neighborhood Egg Hunt. What kind of hunt? Why in the world would anyone go hunting for eggs? What kind of eggs are they hunting for anyway? Bird eggs? Turtle eggs? Scrambled eggs? Oh! I guess they mean “Easter eggs.” But heaven forbid anyone would actually say that! In this day and age of political correctness we’ve removed religion from just about everything ~ including religious holidays ~ in fear of offending anyone except those who might hold the religious beliefs that are so boldly being eliminated. We are no longer allowed to have Easter egg hunts ~ we just have egg hunts. Our children no longer have a Christmas vacation ~ it’s called winter break. We don’t even have a Christmas tree anymore. What is it called now ~ a holiday tree? It’s all a bit silly if you ask me. We’re so busy trying to remove anything that might possibly offend anyone that we’re going to end up with a country full of people with no beliefs, celebrating all kinds of things that have no meaning or history, for the sake of remembering nothing.
But I’m getting a bit off topic. The reason I brought up the Easter egg hunt (I mean egg hunt) is because in fact, Easter is almost here. Easter ~ the day we commemorate when a poor Jewish carpenter from a remote town in the Middle East broke all the laws of nature and rose from the dead after three days in the tomb. Easter ~ not spring equinox, tulip festival, or even Easter Bunny Day. (Oops! Sorry again ~ I mean springtime bunny.) There is a real, historical reason that we celebrate Easter. And as this annual day of remembrance and celebration comes once again, we have a great opportunity to think about just what we’re celebrating and why ~ and perhaps hunt for the answers to a few important questions. If we’re not sure about what is true, maybe this is a good time to do some investigating. After all, if this Jesus is who He claimed to be, then our eternity depends on it. And if He is not, well I suppose then we will know how to argue with the Christian zealots from a stronger position than just our own feelings. With each question below, I’ve provided links to some interesting reading that will help you decide for yourself exactly what you believe is true and why. I encourage you to dive in and take a closer look. Then you decide. This Easter, what will you hunt for?
~ Did Jesus of Nazareth really exist? Is there good, reliable, historical evidence for the events of His life, His death and His resurrection? Do the numerous recorded histories of His life pass the same stringent tests for authenticity as other historical documents?
Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus
~ Is Jesus who He said He is? If Jesus really did exist, what do you do with His claims to be the Son of God? Is He who He said He is? We each need to decide. Was He a liar? Was He a lunatic? Or is He Lord?
More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell
Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi Zacharias
~ What do you do with the empty tomb?
If the story of Jesus is true, and the events of His life as recorded in scripture are historically accurate, then Jesus would indeed be a unique religious leader. He’s the only leader of any movement who is not in His grave.
The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary R. Habermas and Michael R. Licona
The Case for the Resurrection by Lee Strobel
~ What do you do with Jesus? The answer to this question is in your book ~ Your Story. Now that you’ve looked at the evidence and made a thoughtful investigation of your own, what will you choose to do with Jesus? Does the evidence tell you He was a liar? Does the historical account of His life tell you He was a lunatic? Or, just possibly, could He be Lord?
It’s almost Easter. The beautiful flowering trees and bright colors of spring remind us of new life ~ renewed growth from what seemed to be cold and dead. Do you need new life this spring? There is One who will give it to you free of charge. What will you choose to do with Jesus this Easter? Each of us must make his or her own choice. We can choose to deny Him or follow Him. The one thing you can’t do is nothing ~ because no choice is a choice. What will yours be?
We’d love to hear your thoughts. Share what you learn after you look into the evidence. CLICK HERE to visit the Joy on Purpose Blog to post your comments.
Blessings and a very
Happy Easter to you all!