by Mary Sorrentino | Feb 27, 2015 | Adventure, Christianity, Courage, Faith, Family, Fear, Friendship, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Love, Purpose, Relationships, Waiting
I love the way God teaches us little by little, and how He walks through life with us instead of just letting us go off on our own. The lessons He is teaching me from the car wreck my husband and I lived through in November continue with each passing day. And as the...
by Mary Sorrentino | Jan 25, 2015 | Adventure, Anger, Christianity, Courage, Depression, Faith, Family, Fear, Friendship, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Love, Purpose, Relationships, Waiting
I’ll never forget that sound… or the smell of sickening smoky burning plastic, and the terror of not being able to breathe. Coming through a near fatal car wreck leaves you with more than just physical injuries and scars. There are memories and images that will be...
by Mary Sorrentino | Nov 13, 2013 | Aging Issues, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's, Anger, Christianity, Chronic Illness, Depression, Drug Addiction, Faith, Family, Fear, Friendship, Health, Living on Purpose, Marriage, Other Addictions, Relationships, Waiting
You’ve got to be kidding… choose JOY at this crazy time of year? If I didn’t think it would depress more than a few of us, I’d quote the number of shopping days left until Christmas! Okay I won’t. But I don’t have to tell anyone just how harried the next two months...
by Mary Sorrentino | Oct 3, 2013 | Aging Issues, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's, Anger, Christianity, Chronic Illness, Courage, Depression, Drug Addiction, Faith, Family, Fear, Health, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Marriage, Other Addictions, Relationships, Waiting
Finding joy in the midst of life’s trials is a never ending search for most of us. And the fact is, God told us our lives would be filled with trouble! “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take...
by Mary Sorrentino | May 7, 2012 | Christianity, Chronic Illness, Courage, Depression, Exercise, Faith, Family, Friendship, Health, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Marriage, Relationships, Waiting
I hate waiting. To me waiting feels a lot like being stuck in the mud ~ unable to move forward and impossible to go back. It’s an uncomfortable place. But when I think back on my childhood, I realize that waiting was not always difficult for me. I remember the...
by Mary Sorrentino | May 2, 2012 | Christianity, Chronic Illness, Courage, Depression, Exercise, Faith, Family, Friendship, Health, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Marriage, Relationships, Waiting
Recognize that waiting is not abnormal or out of the ordinary. You will go from one waiting room to another to another in this life. Ask God to help you make peace with waiting. Make waiting a productive place. Just like bringing that good book to the doctor’s...