by Mary Sorrentino | Aug 30, 2011 | Christianity, Faith, Family, Health, Life Choices, Living on Purpose
Exchanging Mediocrity for Joy! Once you’ve asked God to redeem the difficult or unfruitful parts of your life, it’s time to find out what He has had planned for you from the beginning of time. Here are some ideas from Fifty Ways to Find Joy to help you...
by Mary Sorrentino | Aug 30, 2011 | Alcoholism, Anger, Christianity, Chronic Illness, Depression, Drug Addiction, Faith, Family, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Marriage, Other Addictions, Relationships
Do you believe it’s September? Here in the Atlanta area the kids have been back in school for a number of weeks already. They’ve exchanged their water “noodles” and sunscreen for school books and back packs. A wonderful exchange in Mom’s eyes, but maybe not so...
by Mary Sorrentino | Aug 2, 2011 | Aging Issues, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's, Christianity, Chronic Illness, Depression, Drug Addiction, Exercise, Faith, Family, Friendship, Health, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Marriage, Relationships
Yesterday I stopped at the gas station to fill up my tank, thrilled to get a great deal at $3.54 per gallon instead of the normal $3.74. I though I had done so well until I realized how ridiculous it is that we’ve become so accustomed to these outrageous prices,...
by Mary Sorrentino | Jul 25, 2011 | Aging Issues, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's, Christianity, Chronic Illness, Exercise, Faith, Family, Friendship, Health, Life Choices, Living on Purpose
Life is filled with choices. How you choose to care for yourself will make a significant difference in your ability to give to others, and to find Joy in your own life. Choose to care for yourself! Choose to find Joy! And then, watch what God can do! 1) Give...
by Mary Sorrentino | Jul 7, 2011 | Christianity, Courage, Faith, Family, Fear, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Relationships
Saying “Yes” One Day at a Time ad·ven·ture noun \əd-‘ven-chər\ 1) a: an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks b: the encountering of risks 2) an exciting or remarkable experience 3) an enterprise involving financial risk How...
by Mary Sorrentino | Jun 11, 2011 | Christianity, Exercise, Faith, Health, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Relationships
It’s Saturday morning, and of all the days to wake up before the alarm, today my eyes popped open at 6:00am! Not the groggy, half-opened squint that normally gives me a quick glimpse at the clock before I roll over into yet another crazy dream. No. This morning I...