by Mary Sorrentino | May 9, 2015 | Adventure, Christianity, Courage, Faith, Fear, Living on Purpose, Purpose, Relationships
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10) On September 7, 1851 Henry David Thoreau wrote these words in his personal journal: “Nothing is...
by Mary Sorrentino | Feb 27, 2015 | Adventure, Christianity, Courage, Faith, Family, Fear, Friendship, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Love, Purpose, Relationships, Waiting
I love the way God teaches us little by little, and how He walks through life with us instead of just letting us go off on our own. The lessons He is teaching me from the car wreck my husband and I lived through in November continue with each passing day. And as the...
by Mary Sorrentino | Jan 25, 2015 | Adventure, Anger, Christianity, Courage, Depression, Faith, Family, Fear, Friendship, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Love, Purpose, Relationships, Waiting
I’ll never forget that sound… or the smell of sickening smoky burning plastic, and the terror of not being able to breathe. Coming through a near fatal car wreck leaves you with more than just physical injuries and scars. There are memories and images that will be...
by Mary Sorrentino | Dec 23, 2014 | Adventure, Christianity, Christmas, Courage, Faith, Family, Fear, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Purpose
It was four weeks ago yesterday, the day before my Thanksgiving JoyNews was to be sent, that my husband Paul and I were in a terrible car crash that left us with many broken bones, bruises, and injuries, and sadly took the life of the other young driver. Her car...
by Mary Sorrentino | Jul 23, 2014 | Adventure, Christianity, Courage, Faith, Family, Fear, Friendship, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Love, Relationships
When I was a little girl growing up in a strict Catholic home, I would sometimes “play church” and make an “altar” on top of the dresser in my bedroom. I’d go out to our yard, cut fresh lilacs and put them into a vase (well… really a plastic drinking glass – I’m sure...
by Mary Sorrentino | May 19, 2014 | Christianity, Courage, Depression, Faith, Fear, Friendship, Health, Life Choices, Living on Purpose, Love, Relationships
Have you ever had trouble getting out of bed in the morning? Oh, I don’t mean when you’re exhausted from staying up late or have been up half the night with insomnia. I’m talking about when you don’t really have an excuse, but somehow you feel like there’s just not...