Let the Wind Blow!

                                           “In this world you will have trouble.                        But take heart!  I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)   Life is hard!  Don’t we all feel at times like we’ve had more than our share...

Roller Coasters, Riverview, and The Rock

Believe it or not, summer has almost arrived!  Do you see the signs too?  The kids are getting “antsy” (as my Mother used to say…) and almost jumping out of their skin with anticipation of their long-awaited summer vacation.  The sweet smell of...

Welcome to Joy on Purpose Blog!

Welcome!  We’re so glad you “landed” here!  Our purpose is to come alongside and minister to those who are seeking to find joy, purpose, peace and hope in the midst of sometimes extremely difficult life circumstances.   In addition to the Christian...