Joy on Purpose Blog
A Solid Connection
“Wi-Fi stinks!” That’s what my husband told me today. And in so many ways, he’s right. In our tiny little house, where our computers are just one room away from the router/modem, my poor hubby had to deal with his internet connection dropping four, five, six times or...
Stuck in the Middle
Does anybody else hate middles as much as I do? I'm sure you're familiar with the kind of middles I’m talking about ~ those places where you feel stuck. You know this is not where you want to be, but you can’t quite seem to get to whatever is next. Middles… they’re...
Christmas Without a Tree
Merry Christmas! The Sorrentino family is having a rather strange yet wonderful Christmas this year. We are celebrating our daughter Sarah and her husband Ted's very first Christmas as husband and wife in their new home here in Atlanta ~ Wonderful! And if you read...
When You’re Finished Changing…
Change is inevitable. It can be frightening and oh, so stressful! But change also provides a pathway to adventure ~ to truly living! Benjamin Franklin said, “When you're finished changing, you're finished.” Well, I guess my family and I are not finished yet! Our first...