Joy on Purpose Blog

Life is Nuts! Choose Rest

Do you ever find yourself thinking or even saying, “This is nuts!” Even though I have been blessed with the opportunity to trade the craziness of corporate life for the joy of following my passion ~ coaching, teaching, writing, and technical training ~ the chaos of...

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Evidence of Influence

Does anyone else love family reunions? Oh I know, they can be challenging and sometimes even a bit uncomfortable, but they are a wonderful time to reconnect, refresh and just have some plain old fun. This past weekend my husband, daughter and I attended two family...

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Broken Things

Last week, as I was getting ready to entertain guests over the 4th of July holiday weekend, I desperately searched through junk drawers, closets and 'special places' for the electronic pass that would allow us to take the kids for their much awaited swim in our...

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Remember to Remember

As I sat enjoying a peaceful day off on Memorial Day last week, American Flags flew throughout the neighborhood to honor and remember those who gave their lives so bravely, that we might continue to live and pursue our dreams in the "land of the free." My neighbor...

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