Finding joy in the midst of life’s trials is a never ending search for most of us. And the fact is, God told us our lives would be filled with trouble!
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
But God also promises that He will give us comfort and joy instead of sadness. (Isaiah 61:1-3) So, how do we not only find, but hold on to joy, in the midst of the kind of struggles that fill our lives? The answer, I believe, lies in purposely seeking joy and the One who can provide it.
Nothing of value comes without work ~ without an intentional decision to pursue the things that are most important to us. The same is true for seeking and finding joy. Over the years, I have mentored and coached so many people who have experienced the challenge of lives filled with trials and pain. And together, we have learned that there are many things we can do ~ on-purpose ~ to help us find the joy that seems so elusive in this trouble filled life.
In the next few posts on the JoyBlog I will be sharing excerpts from my book, Joy on Purpose: Fifty Ways to Find Joy. My hope is that you will purposely take action on some or all of these “intentional” ways to discover joy, and that you will begin to experience real joy, hope, and peace, even when the difficult circumstances of your life do not magically disappear! Go ahead ~ take a step ~ begin to pursue Joy on Purpose!
(An excerpt from Joy on Purpose: Fifty Ways to Find Joy)
Choose to believe God’s promises are true.
Seek the joy that He promises you with all your heart! Don’t let doubt get in the way. Our God is too big ~ too infinite ~ too awesome for mere humans to ever totally comprehend Him. I’ve heard it said if God was small enough for us to understand, He’d no longer be a God big enough to worship. Accept that there will always be things that remain mysteries to you, but choose to believe God. Take Him at His word. Let your doubts push you into His Word for truth. Hold on to what you believe.
Find time to get close to God.
Lasting joy doesn’t come from what we do, the things we have, or even the people we love. True joy is the result of a real, vibrant relationship with the God who created you. Make time to develop that relationship. Schedule a daily appointment with God ~ and don’t miss it. We have been given the privilege of sitting at the feet of the God of the universe! Think what it would be like if you were invited to spend time every day with the President of the United States or the CEO of a huge world organization. How honored would you feel? Would you roll over in bed and say, “I just don’t feel like getting up to talk to him today.”? And yet, that’s what we do to the King of Kings! Make time for God ~ it will bring you new life ~ it will bring you joy!
Make joy a priority in your life.
People purposefully pursue the things they value most. Do you seek joy ~ on purpose? Finding joy begins with a decision to make the Joy Giver the number one priority in your life. Get close to Him and you’ll see life His way ~ beauty instead of ashes ~ joy instead of sorrow. Make a “Joy List.” Write down all the things that bring you closer to God, things that help you experience His presence and feel His joy. Is it a walk in the park, a bike ride, quiet time with a good book, an hour listening to great music? Learn what refreshes you ~ it will help you connect with God ~ it will help you find joy. Write it down. Then, do it!
Make God your Number One.
God is crazy about you! He wants to be your number one. As people who sometimes deal with many seemingly unending life problems, we can easily spend every waking minute in worry, thought or even prayer about our own or a loved one’s needs. But God says, “Let Me care for you and your family.” He is a jealous God, and even good things can become “idols” ~ taking our focus off of God. Don’t let those you love and the struggles you experience become your god. Look honestly at who or what consumes most of your thoughts, activities, time and even your budget. God delights in you, and He wants you to delight in Him. It will bring you and God joy!
That’s all for today. But watch for our next post, when we will look at Joy on Purpose ~ Key Principle Number Two ~ Share Life’s Burdens.
We’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, your struggles with finding joy, your successes, and your hints and suggestions on how to find Joy on Purpose!
“Finding joy begins with a decision to make the Joy Giver the number one priority in your life. Get close to Him and you’ll see life His way ~ beauty instead of ashes ~ joy instead of sorrow.” Well said Miss Mary! He is the source of all joy.