“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19

We all love new things, don’t we? New cars, new clothes, new electronic toys ~ the latest and greatest ~ that’s what we all seem to be after. And today, those who hope to sell us all the newest of the new, eagerly give us a thousand reasons why the toy that was the unparalleled ~ hottest item only a year ago, is now somehow just not good enough. And so month after month, year after year, we chase the illusive “best.”

I believe our desire for the latest and greatest is one reason we get so excited about the coming of the New Year. It’s fresh. It’s new. It’s a chance to “reboot” and start over. The New Year, like the latest iPad or Android, doesn’t have any scratches on it yet. No bumps, no bruises, no dings. At the beginning of a new year we can stop for just a little while and ask ourselves things like “What do I want Mary2012 to look like? What worked well in the 2011 version of me?” We can purposely decide to keep the good things, but take some time also to look at what could be better. It’s a new year, a new start, time to change some of the outdatedfeatures and functions of you.

This fascination with the new and improved is not just a 21st century phenomenon. Believe it or not, it was God’s idea long before it was ours. Perhaps He even wired us with this continual desire to seek improvement. After all, He is the master of creating new things.  In Isaiah 43:19 He says “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?And we are reminded of our own newness in 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” God’s Word even tells us that in the end, this earth as we know it will be completely new!“Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.” Isaiah 65:17

Hmm… perhaps there are times when newer isbetter. So what is going to be new for you in 2012? Will new be better in your life? We are the ones who make the choice for personal improvement, for growth, for change. How will your “2012 update” be different from last year’s model? It’s never too late you know. We all have the ability to choose something better for a new year ~ no matter our life circumstances or how old we are.

I’m a perfect example of the “It’s never too late” theory. Those of you who know me personally realize that I am not a spring chicken anymore. Of course I probably gave that away in my 2011 JoyNews Monthly newsletters by writing about things like S&H Green Stamps and Chicago’s Riverview Park! But young or not, for me 2012 is going to be a very new and exciting year! Since starting Joy on Purpose Life Coaching in 2010, I have consciously and purposely been asking God to open up the doors that He wants me to walk through. And day after day, I find He is putting new opportunities and adventures in front of me. From writing and teaching the first Joy on Purpose Bible Study, to conducting group life coaching sessions for women supporting depressed family members, to providing individual life coaching for many new clients, 2011 was an exciting ride! So what will benew in my New Year? I will be welcoming in 2012 by writing and teaching a new Bible Study called Joy in the Battle, as well as providing new technology services and classes to the coaching community. Talk about an exciting journey! As I wrote in the July JoyNews Monthly article called An Intentional Journey to Remarkable~ Saying Yes One Day at a Time, there are amazing adventures in store for us when we open ourselves to God’s opportunities.

So what about you? Will you say yes? At the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2012, will you choose a new adventure ~ maybe unveiling an updated model of the old you? Remember, you don’t have to change the core of who you are. When Apple comes out with a new iPad, they don’t change the whole operating system, but the new features and improvements have people standing in line outside the Apple store for hours and hours to be one of the first to get the newest and best! So this year, ask your heavenly Father to bring out your newest and best. What are the 2012 featuresand functions God wants to reveal in you? Are you willing to seek out the “latest and greatest” you? Are you brave enough to say yes? It’s never too late!

Happy New Year and Happy New You!