About Joy on Purpose
Imagine… Choosing Joy!
Joy on Purpose was founded to come alongside and support those who seek to find joy, purpose, and peace in the midst of difficult life circumstances.
Whether you are supporting an aging parent, encouraging a depressed spouse, struggling in a difficult job, or living in a painful relationship, Joy on Purpose was created for you.
Joy on Purpose is a Christ Centered life coaching practice. We respect the belief systems of all clients, but will be open about the Christian/Biblical foundation and worldview upon which all of our coaching is based. As professional coaches however, we will not set the agenda or give advice, but rather allow the client to set their own goals, priorities and agenda based on their values and beliefs.
Our greatest desire at Joy on Purpose is to help others seek and find the joy, hope and purpose that God promises, in all circumstances of life.
The Client/Coach Relationship – What Can You Expect?
At Joy on Purpose Life Coaching, we are committed to excellence, integrity and professionalism in our service to you. We are committed to…
Your Goals – As the client, you set the agenda and choose the goals you wish to pursue. Your coach will pray for you, listen carefully, ask purposeful questions, and help you achieve the goals you set for yourself.
Encouragement – Your coach is your personal cheerleader. It is your coach’s job to encourage, support, and affirm you as you explore new avenues in your life.
Accountability – Your life coach will partner with you, helping you hold yourself accountable for the changes you decide to make. Your coach will strive to help you achieve what you set out to do and at the same time attain a healthy balance in your life. You will decide what and when accountability is needed.
Your Growth – Your Joy on Purpose life coach will focus all of their coaching skills, listening strengths, discernment, creative thinking, clarity, brainstorming, strategizing, energizing, and motivating toward your growth and goals. While not responsible for implementing the changes you desire to make, your coach is committed to do what they say they will do. The action and results will then be up to you.
Honesty – Your life coach is committed to honest, open communication. Our goal is to make coaching with Joy on Purpose Life Coaching a valuable experience. Truthful communication is essential between you and your coach in order to receive the maximum benefit from the coaching experience.
Confidentiality – Your Joy on Purpose life coach will hold the coaching relationship and all of your conversations in strictest confidence. Only you can choose to share that information outside of the coaching conversation.
The best way to find out how Joy on Purpose Life Coaching can change your life is to give it a try! You can also learn more about Mary, your Joy on Purpose life coach by going to our About Your Coach page.