When I was a little girl growing up in a strict Catholic home, I would sometimes “play church” and make an “altar” on top of the dresser in my bedroom. I’d go out to our yard, cut fresh lilacs and put them into a vase (well… really a plastic drinking glass – I’m sure Mom didn’t want any accident more serious than spilled water.) I surrounded the flowers with statues of Mary, Joseph, St. Francis, St. Anthony and yes… even Jesus. That altar was overflowing with flowers and so many statues that there was barely room to squeeze God in.
Earlier this month, as I once again had the honor and privilege of teaching and ministering to the women of Trinidad at their annual Ladies Retreat; God gave me a vivid reminder of how we still try to ‘squeeze’ God onto the altars of our lives.
This was my second trip to Trinidad, and it was such a joy to be among my “old friends” who were so excited to see us and to receive God’s message of “Hope in Trying Times.” After a powerful trip like this however, I always wonder who really received more from God during the event. Oh yes, make no mistake, the women of Trinidad and Tobago who attended were blessed – big time! They were encouraged and their faith was strengthened by great teaching (thanks to our Fellowship Bible Church Women’s Ministry teaching team,) individual prayer and coaching, and the far too infrequent opportunity to get away and focus on God and their own spiritual growth.
And our team came back to the comfort of home – changed women. We experienced God in a way that doesn’t happen here in the USA very easily. We saw Him touch women’s lives with hope and joy when their circumstances are far more difficult than we could ever imagine. We saw people serving and living out their Christian faith with more joy, energy and enthusiasm than I’ve seen in a long, long time. We can learn such a lesson about serving from these “soldiers for Christ!”
But the other lesson I took home from this island culture and God’s family there, is the powerful realization that our God is the ONE true God. The picture of my little ‘altar’ as a child came vividly to mind, as I was reminded that God does not want to be ‘squeezed in’ to our lives. He will not share His place with anyone or anything! Let me explain.
In Trinidad, a large percentage of the population is of Indian decent and has a strong Hindu background. Many who are now followers of Christ, have family members and friends who continue to practice Hinduism. And for some, professing Jesus Christ as Lord and declaring faith in the one true God means rejection from family and sometimes even persecution or worse. In this Hindu culture where thousands of “deities” are worshiped, it is much safer to simply add Jesus to all the other ‘gods’ that you pray to every day. No one protests if you “squeeze Jesus in” as yet another ‘deity’ to worship.
This was a huge awakening for me! When I was praying with individual women during my first visit to Trinidad in 2013, I discovered that many were holding on to their Hindu practices while stating that they had accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. I was shocked. But it makes sense, doesn’t it? The cost of rejecting their family faith and traditions is huge! The abuse and even punishment can be intolerable. So in a faith like Hindu, where people have thousands of ‘gods’ to worship, if your mother and father, or your husband are OK with you worshiping Jesus in addition to the other family gods, why ask for trouble? Isn’t life easier if we just try to fit Jesus in?
The truth is, it’s a lot easier (and safer) in our culture too! When I got back home and reflected on all God had taught me on this year’s trip, I had to ask myself, “Am I just adding Jesus to all the other ‘gods’ in my life?” Oh no, I don’t worship the many deities of Hinduism, but don’t I bow at the altar of many other “gods?” Have I tried to just slide these idols over a bit on my altar, trying to fit God in between just like I did with the statues on my dresser when I was seven years old? You probably know what I’m talking about – we worship the gods of money, comfort, possessions, position, power, sexual freedom, self, food, and on and on it goes. Are we doing the same thing as some of the Trini women who are trying to fit Christ into their old world rather than replacing their false ‘gods’ with the One true God?
As I prayed about this today, I realized that far too often we take the easy way. We want to fit in to our culture and families too, so we compromise and go to that questionable movie rather than face the criticism we might get from our non-Christian friends by saying no. We talk about God being first in our finances, while we continue to give the minimum required so we can have enough to add one more room to the “castle” we already live in. We live on the edge of sin, asking God just how far we can go without disobeying, rather than walking as far away as we possibly can from anything that might grieve His heart. Oh yes, we too are trying to squeeze Jesus into our altar of “other gods.”
“You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3) God didn’t give that command just to those who worship gods of other faiths. He gave that command to us – people like you and me whose ‘gods’ are in fact made of silver and gold – the gods of money, power, and self-indulgence. I came home from Trinidad with a big question on my heart. “Am I trying to squeeze Jesus onto my altar that is already filled with my own gods?” The question was reinforced this past Sunday at church when our pastor asked this question: “What or who do you treasure more than God?” If I have to fit Jesus onto the ‘altar’ with all the other ‘gods’ in my life, how am I any different than those who add Jesus to their many Hindu gods?
Today, I challenge you to ask yourself the same questions. There is no room in our lives for Jesus plus… anything! And the truth is, Jesus + nothing = EVERYTHING. He is enough. Let’s clear off our altars so He has plenty of room!
Did today’s topic touch your heart? We’d love to hear from you! Click on the Comments link at the top of this page to share your thoughts and experiences with us and others here on the Joy Blog.
Blessings to you!
I really enjoyed this, Mary! God bless you.