Have you ever had trouble getting out of bed in the morning? Oh, I don’t mean when you’re exhausted from staying up late or have been up half the night with insomnia. I’m talking about when you don’t really have an excuse, but somehow you feel like there’s just not much to get up for. Maybe you’re in a job you hate and you really don’t want to begin yet another Monday. Or you have an extremely difficult coworker or family member to deal with and the thought of facing that person just makes you want to hide under the covers. Perhaps you simply don’t have anything terribly important on your calendar and you wonder, “So what difference does it make if I just sleep all morning?” If you are like me, and probably thousands of others, you’ve had this feeling more than once in your life. Maybe you even felt it today. I know I did.
OK, whoever you are, I hear you. Someone is saying, “Wait a minute! Isn’t this the ‘Joy on Purpose’ lady? Isn’t this woman a Professional Life Coach? Isn’t she the one who helps people to find joy and purpose in their lives no matter what their circumstances?” Yep… that’s me. And yet, just like everyone else, I have days when I wake up and think “Why should I get out of bed today?”
This morning when I finally dragged myself out of bed, a full hour after the alarm went off, I realized my problem. I had forgotten my purpose. Yes, there are at least 20 things on my “to-do” list, but even if I don’t get to a single one of those tasks, even if I don’t have a day full of coaching appointments, there is still a purpose for this day. Today is important because God wants to use me (and He wants to use YOU) to accomplish something significant – something on His ‘to-do’ list. And the truth is He may not give us tomorrow to do it! But we (or should I say, “I”) don’t always remember that.
So after I forced myself to start the day and worked through a few routine morning tasks, I went outside to my beautiful porch and sat down to talk to a friend who was expecting my call. Little did I know she really needed our time together today. After spending an hour talking about joys and summer plans, struggles and sorrows, this friend said, “Mary, I just want you to know that last week when you emailed me and we scheduled this call, it was the first time in a very long time that I felt like God still cared about me.” WOW! If I don’t do one other thing today, I feel like I have found God’s purpose for kicking me out of bed. He wanted me to touch the heart of a good friend and express His love for her through my voice. Now THAT is purpose; purpose that is greater and longer lasting than any task on my list… a purpose that will last into eternity.
It’s funny; today I didn’t even want to get out of bed. And yet as I sat on my porch enjoying the amazing beauty of spring in Atlanta, I was content just to “be” with God in this place. And by obeying His little ‘nudge’ to call my friend, He blessed us both with the discovery of yet another purpose for this day, one that we had both been missing, the importance of taking time for something better.
We spend our days, nights and everything in between doing, doing, doing! We feel unaccomplished, even lazy, if we are not working through the tasks on our list. Yet our God reminds us of the value of rest, of time with Him, of relationships, of listening to a friend, of sitting at His feet! Do you remember the story of Mary and Martha in the Bible? (Luke 10:38-42) Jesus had gone to visit with friends at Martha’s home, and she was frantically preparing dinner for their important guest. Her sister Mary on the other hand was just sitting, probably with all the men I’d imagine, listening to Jesus speak. Martha was furious! “Tell my sister to help me” she begged Jesus. His response was somewhat of a surprise to me, and maybe it is to you too. He said, “Martha, Martha. Mary has chosen what is better.”
Better than what? Being with Jesus… quietly sitting at His feet… listening… and getting to know Him was better than well – anything! Mary chose what was better, and God wants us to do the same. God is all about relationships, taking the time to actually BE with Him, and with others. Today, when I took time to call my friend instead of rushing to check off another task on my to-do list, I did a ‘Mary’ thing. I had to set aside my ‘Martha’ to-do list to focus on relationship, and God used my obedience to bless my friend. And the truth is, even if He had not used me in that way, the time I spent on that porch with my Lord was my own ‘Mary’ time – time to simply sit and be with Jesus. That is PURPOSE. That is worth getting out of bed for.
So the next time you wake up and think, “I don’t have any reason to get out of bed,” please don’t listen to that lie. God has a purpose for you today. It may not be exactly what you had planned, but I guarantee His purpose will always be ‘what is better.’ Oh yes, I am a strong believer in discovering your life purpose, having a plan, living your life intentionally and finding Joy on Purpose! But when the everyday-ness of life starts to drag you into its grip, and the task list becomes just another task-master, and you lose sight of your purpose… get up, ask God what He wants you to do with today, and watch Him work! There is power in purpose, especially when it’s His.
Do you know your purpose? Why does God want you to get out of bed tomorrow morning, and every morning? If you’re not sure, why not contact me today and schedule a Free Introductory Coaching Session? We have some powerful tools to help you uncover your God given purpose and discover why he made you uniquely you!
Have you discovered any great ways to stay focused and intent on your true purpose? We’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts and ideas with us and others here on the JoyBlog today by clicking on the Comments link at the top of this page.
Blessings to you!
EXACTLY what I needed to read right now…bogged down with a “to-do” list of minutiae that’s got me in an hours-long place of “why bother?” When all that really needs to be on my plate right now is to just to unplug, connect, serve, “be”. You’ve inspired me to do just that!
I’m so glad that God inspired you through this little message. It’s amazing how easy it is to get lost in the every-day and lose sight of the really important things of life! We all need just a bit of a reminder from time-to-time. And whenever I need that reminder most, God puts words on a page for another JoyNews post. LOVE how He does that!
Blessings to you!