Have you ever seen a Christmas cactus? We have one that sits in our beautiful sun-drenched foyer all year long. And each year, come November, its red blossoms start to peek out their little heads, and burst into full bloom just in time to ring in the Christmas season. I had never seen one of these beautiful heralds of joy until we moved to Atlanta. I’m not even sure where we got it. Perhaps my husband (our gardener, interior designer, landscape architect and all-around “wizard” of making our home beautiful) bought it, or maybe it was a gift. No matter what its origin, I’m so grateful for the crimson blooms that faithfully remind me of the real meaning of this season we’re about to celebrate! In the cold, dead of winter, this little cactus reminds me why the Christ Child was born. He came to bring LIFE to a dead world.
Christ Jesus, the Son of the creator God, came to this little planet to rescue us from the one thing we could not save ourselves from ~ sin. Oh, I know, that’s not a very popular word. There are those who say, “Sin? What sin? I’m not that bad!” I wonder… if we really look earnestly into our hearts, just what do we see? We live in a world where self is served above all else. We live in a time when right and wrong have become relative terms. We live in a civilization where electronic games depict murder and violence, and children are expelled from school for making a ‘gun’ with their fingers. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20)
Oh yes, if we are really honest I think most of us know we fall far short of the perfection of a Holy God. But the truth is our God is not only perfect in holiness, He is also perfect in love! As a matter of fact, His love is so great that He could not bear to allow sin to separate Him from those He created in His own image. And so… “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” (1John 4:9)
Through the birth of one Child, life was restored to a world dead from sin. He is the reason we celebrate! He is the reason that over 2000 years later, millions upon millions of people sing Christmas carols, give gifts, drag trees into their living rooms and fill them with lights and decorations that remind them of life! And yes, He is the reason we say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays.” Because of this Jesus, the Christ, the long awaited Messiah, we all can have life.
I don’t know about you, but I want the life He promises. I want the joy He says I can have no matter what my life circumstances. I want to sing Joy to the World and realize that there truly is One who gives real joy. Jesus ~ the giver of life! And so, my little Christmas cactus makes me smile. Because, it is my very first reminder that NOW is the time to celebrate LIFE!
Do you know someone who needs life? Is there someone in your world who is desperate for a bit of joy this Christmas? Please… don’t keep the good news to yourself. Forward this little Christmas reminder to a friend. Share these “tidings of comfort and joy.” Who knows? You could be the one to bring Life and Joy to someone for the very first time!
And be sure to share your comments, Christmas stories and greetings with us. We’d love to meet you here!
I feel like that Christmas cactus – like I’ve finally started to bloom! The dead of my winter is over and I feel alive again. Thanks be to our Abba!
Praise God! It’s amazing what our Father God can do in our lives when we are searching and open to His power, isn’t it? I’m so glad you’re blooming!